Investing in FirstGen

Investing in FirstGen

for a more diverse and prosperous future generation

Statement of Purpose

The Suder Foundation (TSF) exists to advance societal transformation through higher education.

We value each person’s unique gifts and potential – and embrace our responsibility to help provide equity of opportunity, access, and support to celebrate and empower individuals and communities.

Why We Care

Historically, FirstGen students have been largely an unrecognized and under-represented voice across the American landscape. There are millions of past, current and future first generation college students (FirstGen) in the United States. And millions more FirstGen who never make it to college graduation.

We believe in their potential. We know the determination and strength of character born of their experience. We believe they have a deep reservoir of talents and gifts and when provided the support they need and deserve, there is no limit to what they can achieve. This is not charity, it’s an investment in a more diverse and prosperous future for our country.

FirstGen students represent the intersectionality, diversity and power of the heart and soul of our history - past, present and future. We believe education lays the foundation of self-awareness, life success and significance for FirstGen students and generations to follow.  

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Unlocking Potential

We believe the success of FirstGen students can radiate through four core pillars of the American experience:

  • Economic Opportunity as a Foundation For Success
  • Social Engagement as a Network of Support
  • Education That Works for All
  • National Leadership to Drive Impact

Eric & Deborah Suder

Since 2008, Eric and Deborah Suder have been working to transform higher education by serving the unique needs of First-Generation college students.

© 2025 The Suder Foundation, a 501(c)(3) Public Charity